Our Mission is to Connect to Christ and Community
The Dewar UPC has been around for quite some time. With a strong heritage, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to serve our community for over 100 years. Our goal is to provide a place where God is free to connect with His people in a very real way. We are continually striving to deepen our walk with God and to pursue all that He has for us. Growth and change can sometimes be challenging, but are both biblical commands and absolutely the will of God for every life. We trust God and know that, through Him, the services at Dewar UPC will challenge each of us with compelling sermons and Spirit-filled worship.
Meet our pastor
Matthew Martin
Pastor Martin attended Apostolic Bible Institute and found his bride Kala Martin. Our pastor is a current General Board Member of the UPCI and the District Superintendent of the Oklahoma District UPCI.
Grand-Bub (Pastor) and Mimi (Sis Martin) are thankful to have three beautiful grandchildren: Riley, Auggie, and Pepper Grace. Any down-time is spent loving their Grands and spending time with family.
our Team
Bryan Dudley
Sunday School Superintendent
Diane Rohatch
Dewar Kids Director
Matthew & Amanda Martin
Youth Pastors
Kyle & Meghan Brown
Hyphen Directors
Jeremy and Heidi Goss
Life Links Directors
Pastor & Sis. Martin
Legacy Directors
Bill & Sharon Keessee
Young in Heart Directors
Kyle Brown
Men's Ministry Director
Sis. Kala Martin
Women's Ministry Director
Tara Matthews
Beauty for Ashes Director
Tania Bardin
Prayer Coordinator
Kyle Morris
Church Secretary, Production Director
Angela Allen
Media Director